We need install the following packages. apt install ubuntu-desktop apt install gnome-session-fallback apt install tigh…
Test with Xamp v3.2.4 Example in file httpd-vhosts.conf """ <VirtualHost *:80> ServerNam…
First to install neovim in ubuntu 20.04 we must run following command. # sudo apt install neovim
Setting the Hostname on the Name Servers sudo nano /etc/hosts add FQDN server master """ …
Commands for update with backup current version /etc/init.d/axigen stop ps aux | grep axigen mv /opt/axigen/bin/axigen …
Valid ssl htpps from example # openssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ -connect dm1.experian.com:443 Valid smtp with t…
======================================================================= Installing imapsync on Ubuntu 16.04 or…
Install pakage LVM dist based in debian apt install lvm2 Create partition LVM type 8e cfdisk /dev/sdb or fdisk Create …
sql-backup-rotate git: https://github.com/sistemasnegros/sql-backup-rotate Script for backup mysql with version c…
Automated backup in one or more devices Fortigate using ssh. You can schedule a…
Pydownloader git: https://github.com/sistemasnegros/pydownloader With this script, can be make testing the downloa…
We connect to FortiAP using protocol telnet. #telnet Login. login user: admin password: emtpy Set …
Install nginx in debian and ubuntu # apt-get install nginx Install php5 # apt install php-fpm php-mysql Install php7.…
Install rsync ubuntu and debian. # apt-get install rysync Backup only changes news in files. # rsync -rvuc /or…
The followed config is basic, allow all traffic outgoing and block all traffic incoming what not be local. Create fi…